INSEA - News





INSEA - is becoming an associated member of CarboEurope.

INSEA - is trying to set up an international network under the IGBP-IHDP-WCRP

INSEA Deliverable D1 (T2, February 2004)

INSEA Deliverable D5 (T8, August 2004)

INSEA T9 Meeting, 20 - 21 September 2004 at IIASA, Laxenburg

INSEA Deliverable D9 (T9, September 2004)

INSEA T12/13 Database Meeting, 11 January 2005 at IIASA, Laxenburg 

INSEA Deliverables D2, D7, D8 (T13, January 2005)

INSEA T16 Workshop on Biophysical Modeling, 11 - 12 April 2005 at JRC, Ispra, Italy

INSEA Deliverable D11 (T18, June 2005)


INSEA co-sponsered:

CARBOINVENT WORKSHOP "Land-use Related Choices under the Kyoto Protocol", 2-4 May, Graz, Austria

CARBOINVENT WORKSHOP "Options for Including LULUCF Activities in a Post-2012 International Climate Agreement", 5-6 May, Graz, Austria  



New JRC - Article in the Framework of INSEA:

Soil sampling Protocol to Certify the Changes of Organic Carbon Stock in Mineral Soils of European Union

-by Vladimir Stolbovoy, Luca Montanarella et al.





LINSEA FINAL REPORT (D3 T30) in the short version now available - Klick here!!



For upcoming meetings and workshops or further information please contact the coordinator.



  Responsible for this page: Florian Kraxner