- Various
- T13 Database Meeting
- T9 - Meeting
- Biophysical Meeting
- Kick-Off-Meeting
- Brussels-Meeting - STS
- JRC-Meeting - STS
- Brussels-Meeting - DG AGRI
- Final-Meeting - Brussels
- INSEA and the AFOLU Sector (JR, BS) , Short Version
- INSEA data processing for EU25 biophysical modeling (SSCRI, JB, RS), Short Version
- Spatial delineation of cropping systems / Tool for the selection of test areas (BGR, RB/MF), Short Version
- Validation of SOC initial values for EPIC modeling through comparing European and regional datasets (SSCRI, JB, RS)
- European soil database and verification of the changes of the organic carbon stock in mineral soils (JRC, VS), Short Version
- Preparation and Generation of Climatic Input Data Sets for the Biophysical Process Modelling – EPIC / The Availability of Input Data on the global level for Biophysical Process Modelling - Global EPIC (BGR, MF/RB), Short Version
- Bio-physical impacts of agricultural land use management systems in EU25 (IIASA/BOKU, ES), Short Version
- Forest production and carbon storage - potentials of European forestry (IIASA, OF), Short Version
- Evaluation of the INSEA forest scenario model by means of plot level simulations over a wide ecological gradient (BOKU, RS/ML), Short Version
- Spatially Explicit Analysis of Bioenergy Systems (LTU/IIASA, FK/SL)
- Economic and Ecological Effects of Agricultural Policies (UHOH, DB), Short Version
- Mitigation in EU agriculture - GHG abatement and carbon sequestration costs (INRA, SdC/PAJ), Short Version
- EU FASOM Forestry Sector (IIASA/DS), Short Version
- Carbon Sinks and Land Use Competition (IIASA/UH, US), Short Version
- Global Long-Term Scenarios (IIASA/MO), Short Version
For further information
please contact the coordinator.